Ecobuilt Sustainable Packaging

This packaging is sustainable and made from all natural products. Ecobuilt packaging products are free of woodpulp, emissions and chemicals and give back to nature as they are 100% compostable.

There are no colours, inks, toxic chemicals or bleaches used in the manufacturing processes and that makes this packaging any colour as long as it’s ‘Green’. Plus, its water and grease proof, can be used in the microwave, chemical free and non toxic. This packaging just makes good sense.

Made from agro based fibre pulp, Ecobuilt packaging and trays are compostable, perfectly safe and biodegradable and have the added ‘feel good’ factor

Ecobuilt at a Glance

  • 100% compostable
  • Water and grease proof strong, durable packaging
  • Natural,  free of bleach, dyes and chemicals
  • Lightweight and sturdy while still practical and stylish
  • Available in many shapes and sizes for all different produce

Suits: Apples, Apricots, avocados, Cherry Tomatoes, Citrus, Lemons, Mangoes, Mushrooms, Nectarines, Oranges, Pears, Tomatoes

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